Pavel Klavík
personal homepage

About me

I am a co-founder of tech startup Orgpad. Orgpad is the first useful mind maps for serious work and solving complex problems. Instead of having a text with supporting diagrams, build your entire document as a single dynamic diagram with all text inside.


Facebook: @orgpad.

Linear algebra Orgpage in Czech: Lineární algebra

From Feb 2018 till Jul 2019, I was working as a software engineer in Google Zurich. I did my studies and research at Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. My research interests include computer science, understanding human mind and education. Most of my research papers deal with efficient visualizations of graphs and data. Around 2011, I made several experimental video lectures in mathematics, available at

Contact information

Address: Hanusova 1537/1b
14000 Prague
Czech Republic
Email: pavel [tečka] klavik [zavináč] gmail [tečka] com
Phone: +420 776 721 709